+237 650 08 74 61


Learn, Create & Play.


Drones require specific aerodynamics to fly. The way the propellers spin changes the way a drone turns or moves across a 3-dimensional space. Maneuvering a drone requires practice and teaches an understanding of aerodynamics.

Cognitive Development and Critical Thinking
It doesn't matter whether you're flying a drone indoors our outdoors. Reacting to changes in flight patterns or environment allows your child to improve the cognitive reasoning skills. They will gain a better understanding of cause and effect. And they will be better equipped to make quick decisions under stress.

Introduction To Coding and Electronics
Once your kid has gotten good at flying the drone with a remote control they can begin tackling the more advanced forms of drone flying. They can learn to code and program drones to fly specific patterns and become familiar with the internal electronics that make the device work.


I like to teach kids about 3D printing with a deck of cards. I hand them one card, and ask them to show me with their fingers how thick it is. This usually gets a few laughs! I then have them help me lay out all the cards, end-to-end, across the floor. We talk about if the cards are all the same thickness, and how we have changed the way they look by laying them out.
The next thing we do is stack the cards back up. As we go one-by-one, I teach my kids that this is how a 3D printer works; there are many layers that make up their model, and the printer simply stacks layer after layer to eventually create their design!


VR in Education
Students are able to interact with each other and within a three-dimensional environment. They can also be taken on virtual field trips, for example, to museums and taking tours of the solar system.

VR in Fashion
Virtual simulations of store environments can be extremely useful for retailers to design their signage and product displays without fully committing to the build like you would in the real world.

VR in Sport
Broadcasters are now streaming live games in virtual reality and preparing to one day sell virtual tickets to live games so that anyone from anywhere in the world can ‘attend’ any sports event.

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How to be part

Touch Digital Boot Camps are holiday events organised 03 times every year. It is a platform where children get to experience the digital world in real time through Learning, creating and playing with both software and hardware.